I finally made it to a doctor last Thursday and we got to see a "quick ultrasound" of the baby's heartbeat! It was a little flicker of light in the middle of a gummy bear! And I think baby was about the size of a gummy bear...
My memory is still shot. The queasiness has mostly passed. The pre-natal vitamin is MUCH easier on my stomach. The new symptom I'm having going into week 9 is migraines and my face has become its own mountain range.
There's really no way to help with the memory. I write things down when I can and if I can set an alarm on my cell phone to remind me of events, I most definitely do. I've also been relying on Barry (husband) to help me along. When I was trying to figure out insurance plans, I put them on speaker phone and had him talk to them with me. I like to make lists but the down side is losing the list!
The queasiness has passed for the most part. On the suggestion of a friend at church I started paying closer attention to the frequency of the meals. I stay in pretty good shape if I alternate between snacking and small meals every 2 hours, 3 hours at most. The problem I was having before is feeling bad made me not want to eat but I felt worse because I wasn't eating. It was a vicious cycle. Now I get up in the morning and use the restroom and head straight for the kitchen before doing anything else. It seems to be working pretty well! The other thing is staying away from even mildly gross stuff including normal things that now gross me out... But all in all, that's not so bad!
As for the migraine, there's really not much one can do for that anyway. I think it's a reaction to the insane amount of hormones. The only thing I've found that takes the edge off is a little bit of caffeine in the form of Coca-Cola! I gave up caffeine completely earlier this year and I don't drink coffee or tea anymore so whatever I drink to help with the migraine is WELL within the allowed daily amount for pregnancy.
Cravings this week: Meaty spaghetti, Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. (Not together though!) One more fun thing I noticed--I can't suck in the lower part of my stomach anymore!