I just came into week 24, the baby is measuring a good size which is a relief BECAUSE at the last ultrasound, they said the cord has 2 chambers instead of 3. The scary part was that this can be a "marker" for other birth defects and the most common risk is low birth-weight.
I had an appointment with a specialist. I had made the decision not to research that the 2-chamber cord meant as a way of keeping my sanity and not giving me something to dwell on. I am VERY GLAD I did so, at the specialist's we had a Skype call with a geneticist before going for the ultrasound and she went over the possibilities of what this could mean if there were other markers. It was scary enough that I was sick when we went in to see the doctor.
Thankfully, everything looked great. The baby is measuring about a week further than he is and his heart looked healthy, as well as other things they looked at. We decided to not pursue and amniocentesis since there were no other issues found.
The sad news: I might have to have a c-section because of where the placenta is located. He said it is lower than they like and it puts me at a risk for bleeding if it doesn't move out of the way--a TINY 2cm. I really had my heart set on natural birth but I trust there is a reason for it all, even if the only reason is that it would make me face the fear I have of the surgery. The thought of it freaks me out. BIG TIME.
Meanwhile, Peanut is break-dancing and having a great time knocking against my bladder and stomach! I tell Hubby that whenever I get kicked, he should get kicked too!