
Week 11 Retrospective: How can a week be scary AND boring?

I'm very glad it's sandal season, I don't think I could stuff my feet in anything else! There was a day that when I looked down I saw my feet as hams with vienna sausages sticking out! hehehe

Heartburn continues to visit. I notice if I'm careful about not eating a couple hours before bed, I'm USUALLY fine or at least tolerable! It makes me wonder if gummy-bear will be born with a head of hair if it's a wives tale.

There was a bit of a scare early this week. I took it easy for a couple days doing NOTHING! Hubby was out of town so I spent my time with a Korean comedy series and The Cosby Show. I'm not sure what I would have done without Netflix! I can't wait to start doing things again because I haven't exercised and it is wreaking havoc on my back. I spent about 3 hours in bleachers and could hardly walk afterward. That was yesterday and I'm still sore today.

This was a very long week. All at once, between today and yesterday, my belly popped out! I feel like the muscles are stretching like bungee cords and gets VERY firm after meals. It's really exciting how fast these things are happening and also quite bewildering.  I'm amazed at how the body does what it does to get ready for a baby. 



Week 10 Retrospective: Starting to Learn!

This week's adventure included lab work. You wouldn't think that anything as mundane as blood-work would be much of a story, but I guess that's part of learning who pregnant Kora is. They took 4 vials. I had a headache, exhaustion and occasional nausea for two days! I was so woozy after leaving the office that we sat in the car awhile and I had apple juice. I didn't know that 4 little vials would knock me out!

I also had a weird experience where my fingernails and occasionally my toes were tingling. It eventually went away but was very strange and annoying when the sensation was strong. You can't really itch underneath a fingernail!

I CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT ANYMORE! Much of my outdoor activities are stopped for now, no yardsales or walking until this heatwave of 110+ temps are done! I feel like a vampire! We did make a short visit to Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was assassinated, thankfully it was evening and we had a good time!

I'm feeling better overall though. My emotions are leveling out and I feel SO MUCH BETTER! The migraines are even letting up and some of my energy is coming back but  s l o w l y....  I felt amazing after an easy yoga workout. Here's looking forward to the LAST WEEK OF THE FIRST TRIMESTER!

Here's some honesty I found on a friend's blog:

And here's my friend's blog, she's due in November!

Week 9 Retrospect: Blessings of Paperware

We had the "full ultrasound" on Tuesday! Everything is fine. When I was finally able to see the baby (the nurse had to check a bunch of stuff before we could have fun) we were able to see it wiggle!!! Definitely Barry's baby if he/she is coordinated enough to dance already!

I am so thankful for the invention of PAPER PLATES AND CUPS! After having a kitchen full FULL of dishes, I took 3 days to wash everything (sheesh) and started using the paperware. I CAN'T RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH! There isn't much worse than being queasy and exhausted and having to wash dishes with food on them... ugh... Things are much better now that it's mostly silverware and pans.

There was a rough night where everything came down on me pretty hard. I was convinced I couldn't do this and that I was turning into a sausage. Realizing that I have to learn to be a completely different person proved to be a bigger challenge than I imagined. The hormones are incredibly overwhelming, as I was laying there crying I told Barry that I knew most of this was irrational but couldn't help it. He was very consoling and understanding about it.

On Sunday afternoon we went to a park with Barry's nephew. I found out that I now get motion sick from swinging so no more marathon-high-up-leg-pumping swinging for me! I'll just save the experience for when we have little nugget to take to the park.

PERSONAL STUFF (Gentlemen may not want to read):
I went up a bra size this week. The one I was wearing was getting VERY uncomfortable. I only purchased one to see if or how long I will stay this size. I still recommend SUPPORT and comfort. If I can find one that is supportive enough without the underwire, that's what I'll get next time since this one, although more comfortable, is still a bit too much at the end of the day.